Advanced Java training
Introduction to Advanced Java Training
Advanced Java Training is specially designed for those who have through knowledge of core Java and now want to master Advanced Java. This training includes major advanced Java topics like JDBC (both with MySQL and MongoDB), Servlet, JSP, Java Mail and frameworks, Spring and Hibernate completed in 120 hours. This training includes development of 2 projects.
Topics Included
- JDBC Architecture
- Overview of Drivers
- JDBC Driver Manager
- Steps for accessing database using JDBC API
- Statements
- Prepared Statement
- Callable Statement
- Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet
- ResultSetMetaData and DatabaseMetaData
- NEW!! Using JDBC with MongoDB
- Integration of Java with JSON
- JSON Array
- JSON Object
- Introduction To Java Servlets
- Servlet API
- Servlet Life-Cycle
- Working With Apache Tomcat
- GenericServlets
- HttpServlet
- HttpSession
- Session Binding/Tracking
- Inter-Servlet Communication
- Implicit Objects
- Custom Tags
- JSP Actions
- JSP Expression
- Using Java Mail API to send mail using Java Codes
- Sending Text Mail
- Sending HTML Mail
- Sending Mail with Attachments
- Why Hibernate?
- Understanding ORM
- Objects and Persistence
- Hibernate Architecture
- Mapping Documents
- Hibernate Database Connection
- Creating Persistent Classes
- Mapping Collection of Objects
- Persistent Object Life Cycle
- Hibernate with Servlets
- HQL: Hibernate Query Language
- Introduction to Spring Framework
- Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
- IOC Container
- Bean Creation
- Construction Injection
- Setter Injection
- Auto Wiring
- Bean Initialization and Destruction
- Aware interfaces: BeanNameAware, BeanFactoryAware
- Lookup Method Injection
- Use of ApplicationContext
- ResourceBundleMessageResource
- Events and Event Handling
- Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
- Introduction to AOP
- Spring Web MVC
- MVC Architecture
- Front Controller and DispatcherServlet
- Spring with JDBC and Hibernate
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